Intelligent Content Management

Welcome to Your Links Page - Thanks for Visiting !

Put your own links on this page.

Your Links Page can also be a Private Page; invisible - not showing up in the Menu !
You may want to link to Invisible Pages from other pages. Access them after you
create them - by adding /Pagename to your Web Address. Page Files have to begin
with a Capital letter.

Email if you want to learn more about customizing IQ CMS !

This is a link : click here to go to IQ CMS.

This is a link : click here to go to TiNi CMS.

This is a link : click here to go to

This is a link : click here to go to @My WebSite.

This is a link : click here to visit Cerebrus Solutions.

This is a link : click here to read the IQ CMS README file.

This is a link : click here to visit The Domain Investment Bank.

Copy and/or edit the links above to add your own links.

DownLoad IQ CMS then go to to host it FREE !

Insert your own content here, and even change the page name.

To add a new page, first login to your new TiNiLiL File Mgr by clicking its link
in the footer at the bottom right of the web page.
When the login page appears, you can login with username and password;
be sure to change these two right away!
Then go to your Files Folder and create a new page file, titled with the name
of the page you wish to create, being sure to Capitalize the first letter of it.
The content of your new page will reside in this new page file.
Lastly, add the page name to the menu file, in the order you want it to appear.

Have Fun !


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